martes, 22 de enero de 2019


  There are two types of scales: Major and minor

  Both have eight notes, starting and ending on notes of the same name.

   Each note of a scale is called a degree. We use Roman numerals to name the notes:


Whatever note they start on, they all follow the same pattern.

This pattern is a set order of tone and semitone gaps between the notes:

The pattern of a major scale is:
Do Mayor


So the semitones in a Major scale are between the III and IV degrees and between the VII - VIII degrees


  1. Write the notes (eight)
  2. Write the degrees in roman numerals
  3. Highlight the gap between III-IV and VII-VIII degrees.
  4. Make sure that it follows the pattern TTSTTTS
  5. You may use flats and sharps to correct the gaps.
*** Flats and sharps cannot be mixed in the same scale!!

Fa Mayor

miércoles, 9 de enero de 2019

The kid with perfect pitch

En los últimos días circulan por la red varios vídeos de un niño con oído absoluto (perfect pitch). esto es, la capacidad de discriminar a la perfección los distintos sonidos y reconocer además qué nota está sonando.

Este niño es capaz de reconocer una a una, las notas que componen un acorde que previamente ha escuchado:

lunes, 7 de enero de 2019


  •  An interval is the gap between two notes.
To analyze an interval you must:

1. Tell the disctance:

second (2nd), third (3rd), fourth (4th), fifth (5th), sixth (6th), seveth (7th), octave (8th) and so on.


2. Intervals can be ASCENDING or DESCENDING:


3. An interval can also be HARMONIC or MELODIC.